Northbound Tecate Border Crossing Driving Directions (From Mexico to the U.S.)
The GPS coordinates for the northbound Tecate border crossing are: 32.576453, -116.626077
You can also download a PDF of the Tecate Border Crossing Directions to print and take with you.
Note: Please be sure to stop completely (count to three) at every stop sign in Tecate. The police target tourists who do not stop completely at stops.
*Please note that while we try to ensure our directions are as current and accurate as possible, construction, road closures, border changes, and other unforeseen circumstances may cause differences in the information presented in these directions and the actual border situation.*

1. Driving north on the Mexico 3 highway will lead you directly onto Avenida Universidad in Tecate. As you come into the downtown center of Tecate on Avenida Universidad, you will see a McDonald’s on your right. Turn right onto Blvd. Defensores (just before the McDonald’s), following the signs for SAN DIEGO and BORDER CROSSING.

2. Continue east on Boulevard Defensores de Baja California for about 4/10 mile. You will cross over railroad tracks a few times.

3. After about 4/10 mile, you will see signs for MEX 2 “AUTOPISTA MEXICALI-TIJUANA,” directing you to the left. Follow the signs, taking the road that veers off to the left going up a small hill.

4. Continue for about 2/10 mile. You will reach a small roundabout where you will veer to the right (not entering the roundabout) to get onto MEX 2.

5. Continue straight for one block. Follow the signs for SAN DIEGO BORDER CROSSING and make a left turn at the stop sign, taking you onto Culiacan Street.

6. This will lead you directly into the Tecate border lanes. When you get to the fence at the bottom of the hill, turn left to get to the border crossing.