It was with shock and much sadness that we learned of the passing of Wild Bill Wiederhold. It was never just Bill, but Wild Bill. Living up to that moniker, Wild Bill had a big, outgoing personality. He was bigger than life. He took up a whole room. He was one in a million.
Wild Bill was the ultimate Baja aficionado. When he was six years old his father took him to Baja for the first time with the Flying Samaritans. From then on, Wild Bill was hooked. He spent his whole life traveling in Baja and being the ultimate Good Samaritan. His joy was working with the race teams in Baja, crewing for the NORRA and SCORE races. We always got an update on roads and the condition of Baja too after each race.
He was always the first to help with anything Discover Baja did. For several of our Holiday Fiestas, Wild Bill brought his camper with oven to our parking lot and kept our hot dishes going back and forth. With his Santa hat he was really the “Jolly ol’ Chef.”
Wild Bill has been the only Discover Baja member that ever wanted a life-time membership in the club. After much thought, a deal was struck and in 2007 Wild Bill became a Life-Member of Discover Baja. We miss you greatly, friend, but be assured you will always be a member of Discover Baja Travel Club.
Vaya Con Dios, Amigo!!

WildBill will be sorely missed. Whenever I did a remote off-road trip he was always my back up man if I had an emergency.
What kind of fish is Gary Graham holding???