New CDC Rules for Bringing Dogs into U.S.
A reminder that on August 1, 2024, the CDC rules will change for bringing dogs into the U.S. from other countries. You can read more about the new rules in our article here. It remains unclear how the rules will be enforced at the U.S./Mexico borders.
Discover Baja Loyalty Incentive
We’re now giving Discover Baja members bigger savings on membership if you renew for two or three years at a time. Members who renew for two years at time of renewal will be able to renew for $68 for the two years (a savings of $10), and members who renew for three years will be able to renew for $102 (a savings of $15). Call us at 800-727-2252 to renew today!

Otay Mesa II Border Possibly Opening for Southbound Traffic
With the opening of the Otay Mesa II port of entry way behind schedule on the U.S. side of the border, Baja California officials are considering the possibility of a partial opening, in just a southbound direction. Otay Mesa II has been planned as a toll crossing where people would pay to cross the border in both directions for commercial trucks as well as passenger cars. The new port of entry was supposed to be ready this September. While most of the work on the Mexico side has proceeded as planned, construction on the U.S. side of the border has yet to begin and is two years behind schedule.

San José del Cabo named a Barrio Mágico
Mexico’s Tourism Ministry added 12 more city neighborhoods across the country to its Barrios Mágicos (Magical Neighborhoods) program. These urban neighborhoods are designated as worth visiting for their cultural value and tourism activities. The program was started in 2011 specifically for neighborhoods in Mexico City. This is the first time that neighborhoods across the country have been adopted into the program. The historic center of San José del Cabo was the peninsula’s only addition to the program.
Norra 500 Date Announced
The Norra 500 off-road race will take place from Oct 11-13. The rally race will take place throughout four days across Northern Baja. Registration opens on July 8th. More information can be found on the Norra website.

Rosarito Ensenada Bike Ride Returns
The famous Rosarito Ensenada Bike Ride will return this September for its 45th anniversary. The 50-mile bike ride will take place on Saturday, September 28th. The ride starts at the Rosarito Beach Hotel and ends in Ensenada with a big party. For registration and more information, please visit the website.
Tecate Police
We’ve heard reports of members being pulled over by police in Tecate on their way to the border. Please be sure to make complete stops at stop signs and to obey all traffic rules. If you’re pulled over, be polite and courteous. You can ask for a written citation, which will provide information on how to pay any fees. Never give cash to an officer as a bribe or if they ask for it. Doing so is illegal and perpetuates the problem of officers pulling over tourists in order to solicit bribes. You can read our article with more information on what to do if you’re pulled over by the police in Baja and download and print this document to keep in your glovebox to show to the police if pulled over.

Corazón de Vida Galas
The non-profit organization Corazòn de Vida will be hosting two large fundraising galas in Southern California this summer and fall. Their La Noche Blanca gala in Orange has its online auction currently live and open to bidders from anywhere. Their Noche de Gala will take place in San Diego at the Hotel Del Coronado on November 2, 2024. Corazòn de Vida is an organization providing life changing support for orphaned and abandoned children in Baja. More information about the events and tickets can be found on the Corazón de Vida website.