The Legend of Blackman, The Vampire of La Purísima

The small town of La Purísima is well-known for its towering natural landmark, El Pilón, a large, uniquely-shaped rock hill. Lesser known to travelers, but just as towering, is the local legend of Blackman, “The Vampire of La Purísima.”

Folklore has it that in the late 19th century, a European man named Charles Blackman came to Baja Sur and worked for various companies including the “El Boleo” mine in Santa Rosalía. Blackman married a local woman named Loreto Osuna in 1910. Loreto became pregnant a few years later, but before the baby was born, she died. Blackman built two matching tombs, and buried Loreto and their unborn child in the first tomb. He was said to wear all black and in the years after his wife and unborn child died, he would wander around lost and in mourning.

When Blackman died in 1921, he was buried in the second tomb. His name does not appear on the tomb, only the year 1921 is inscribed. The tomb of Charles Blackman is also missing the cross that appears on top of the tomb of Loreto. Legend says that the cross inexplicably fell off.

The legends and stories around the region on Blackman vary. Some say that he caused the deaths of several miners while working at the El Boleo mine. Many say that he enjoyed drinking blood. Some local residents of La Purísima claim to see his ghost at night. After Blackman died in 1921 the region was plagued with illness and death, which was also attributed to Blackman. One legend claimed that Blackman would come back to haunt locals 100 years after his death.

The Blackman tombs are in the local cemetery in La Purísima and may be visited by anyone who dares.

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