Discover Baja Physical Office Closing
The physical San Diego office of Discover Baja will be closing March 16th. For the last four years, 95% of our work with you has been over the phone or via computer with our office open for limited hours. Now our office complex is “repurposing” our space—translation: “demolishing it to build a restaurant.” It seems the perfect time to make a change. In March we will give up our office space and work solely from our homes. We will still be providing all the same Baja services you need: insurance, fishing licenses, TIPs, information, discounts, reservation help, sale of books, maps and clothing and anything else you ask of us. Give us time and we can always put insurances, licenses or other purchases in the mail. Our new PO Box for mail is: PO Box 122007, Chula Vista, CA 91912

Jennifer Silva Redmond Online Book Lecture on March 21
Please save the evening of Thursday, March 21st for a very special Discover Baja Zoom lecture featuring Jennifer Silva Redmond talking about her new memoir, Honeymoon at Sea: How I Found Myself Living on a Small Boat. When Jennifer and Russel Redmond got married in 1989, they made a decision to spend their honeymoon at sea, sailing to and around Baja California’s Sea of Cortez. The voyage tested their new relationship, not just with storms and bad weather, but in all the ways that living on a twenty-six-foot sailboat make one reconsider what’s truly important. In witty insightful prose, Jennifer recounts that first year, moving back and forth with the currents of her life. Her unique experience on the boat weaves through time as she explores the events that lead to taking her first step onto Watchfire, from her bohemian 1960s childhood in Southern California to her years in NYC. Please stay tuned for more information about this special online book lecture, and in the meantime, read more about Honeymoon at Sea.
Holy Week in Mexico
Be aware that Semana Santa or Holy Week runs from March 24-31 (ending on Easter Sunday). This is an extremely popular time for Mexican nationals to travel in Baja, especially to beach destinations. Please be sure to make hotel reservation in advance during this time. Our new DBTC staff member, Michelle, will be happy to help members make reservations. Please give us a call at 800-727-2252.

Daylight Savings
On Sunday, March 10, the U.S. and the state of Baja California (norte) will begin Daylight Savings with clocks springing ahead one hour. The state of Baja California Sur no longer observes Daylight Savings so there will be no time change in that state. Starting March 10, the state of Baja California Sur will be the same time zone as the state of Baja California (norte) until Baja California changes time again when daylight Savings ends on November 3, 2024.
New Species of Fish Found off Baja Coast
Scientists discovered a new species of tropical fish during an expedition to the remote islands of the Revillagigedo Archipelago off Baja’s Pacific coast. The fish is likely endemic to these islands, found nowhere else on Earth. The researchers named the new species Halichoeres sanchezi or the tailspot wrasse.
Increased Military Presence in Northern Baja
There has been an increase in military checkpoints in Northern Baja in areas such as Mexicali, Tecate, Tijuana, and Ensenada. These are in place to ensure the safety of travelers in the region. As always with checkpoints, be polite and cooperative and have your passport and FMM ready to show if necessary. Please remember that guns, knives, and drugs are illegal to have in Mexico.

TlaquepArte Artisan Show in Rosarito
Rosarito will be home to Mexico’s largest artisan expo from March 15-18. The show will feature jewelry, decorative items, crafts, gifts and more from all over Mexico as well as other parts of the world. The exposition will take place at the Baja California Center in Rosarito from 10:30am-7pm each day with free entrance.