The official holiday season has ended but that doesn’t mean the fun is over. Here at Discover Baja we look for excuses to celebrate all year long. Below are some of our favorite times throughout the year we look forward to spending in Baja.

One of my favorite times in Baja is Carnaval in La Paz. In 2014 it will take place Feb 27 through March 4th and I plan on being there. This family-oriented event includes, bands, booths of festive foods, rides, parades and so much more all along the beautiful malecón in La Paz. -Carol

This year I’m looking forward to whale watching season. I’ll be taking my girls down for a family trip to get up-close and personal with the friendly gray whales at San Ignacio. –Monica

On Día de los Reyes on Jan. 6th, everyone gets together to eat Rosca, a traditional pastry. There’s a hidden baby Jesus figurine baked into the rosca and whoever gets it in their piece has to cook tamales for everyone on Dia de la Candelaria on Feb. 2nd. –Maythé

I can’t wait for the Baja Beer Fests of 2014. The craft beer community is growing in Baja almost as fast as it is in San Diego and they hold Beer Fests in various cities in northern Baja every few months to celebrate and, of course, drink. -Jen

For a late summer celebration and opportunity to sample wines and specialty foods of Baja, nothing compares to the Fiesta de la Vendimia (wine harvest festival). These fun-but-packed events are centered in the Guadalupe Valley (Baja’s Napa Valley), just northeast of Ensenada. The 2014 Vendimia will be held August 2 through August 18 and many events require reservations. Make them early as the legendary Paella Competition is already sold out. (And don’t forget early accommodation reservations, too.) Check out the detailed Vendimia website at: www.observaturbc.org/content/fiesta-de-la-vendimia-ensenada-2014 Nos vemos a la Vendimia. ¡Salud! -Hugh