Hola and thanks for joining or renewing your membership with Discover Baja Travel Club! We are pleased to have you as a member and look forward to helping you make the most of your Baja travel. Below you’ll find some information and helpful links to some of the resources that we provide.
Discover Baja Discount List
Discover Baja members receive discounts at hotels, campsites, restaurants, bars, and activities throughout the peninsula. All you have to do is show your membership card. Check out the Discount List to see where you get a discount.
Mexican Auto Insurance
As a member of Discover Baja, you will save up to 80% on your annual Mexican vehicle insurance. Give us a call when you’re ready to make plans for a trip to Baja. We can now email your policy to you for even quicker service. Come into our office so we can visit with you and put a face to a voice or you can also get and print your own policy online. If you prefer to fill out a paper application to send to us, you can download our Mexican Auto Insurance Application.
Fishing and Boating
If you’re a boat owner or fisherman, we’ve got you covered. DBTC members can get their Mexican Fishing Licenses through DBTC for the day, week, month or year. Download the Mexican Fishing License Application to start the process. For those entering Baja by sea, Discover Baja can also process Nautical FMMs. Boat owners can get boat liability insurance as well as boat temporary importation permits through Discover Baja.
Discover Baja Newsletter
We’ll email you the Discover Baja newsletter each month. Through the newsletter we hope to keep you informed about issues on the peninsula. We welcome your contributions—send us any new information, road conditions, or pictures that you would like to share with all DBTC members. In the meantime, we invite you to check out past issues of the newsletter.
Other Helpful Links
-Discover Baja members receive a discount on Baja books, maps, DVDs, clothing and more! Check out the Discover Baja Gift Guide for more.
-Before heading down the peninsula, chech out our Road Conditions page so that you know what to expect
-We partnered with Baja Tourism to put together a handy letter for you to print and have in your glove compartment in the case that you’re pulled over by the police. For more information on what to do if you’re pulled over by a cop in Baja read our helpful article.