Why join?

  • Members are eligible to purchase Mexican vehicle insurance at special discounted rates not available to the general public.
  • Members are allowed by Mexican Immigration to purchase their Mexican Tourist Visas at our office. Mexican fishing licenses are also available.
  • Members receive discounts of 10% to 30% on hundreds of Baja restaurants, hotels/motels, camping/RV parks, sportfishing, resorts, kayaking and other services throughout the peninsula.
  • Members receive discounts of 10% on our selection of over 50 Baja books, Baja satellite images, maps, fishing lures, charts etc.
  • Members enjoy our Baja lectures, Spanish classes and member get-togethers.
  • Members receive up-to-date information on weather, road conditions, fuel availability, fishing etc.
  • Members have toll-free numbers on both sides of the border to handle their insurance needs.
  • Members enjoy award-winning authors in our action-packed and informative online newsletter.
  • Members can take advantage of the decades of experience of our friendly and professional staff.
  • All this for just $39 per household for the year!
DISCOVER BAJA membership is 100% satisfaction guaranteed
Become a Member

We’re here to serve you and your Baja needs, and to make sure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience traveling through the magnificent peninsula