Hurricane Odile struck the Baja peninsula on September 14, 2014, as a category 3 hurricane bringing heavy rains, winds over 125 mph, and severe flooding that caused extensive damage to many areas of Baja California Sur. The Mexican government and relief aid groups were quick to respond making sure that power, water and internet were restored to areas as quickly as possible and that rebuilding was able to take place as soon as possible. The resilience of the area has been incredible.
The Cabo airport is reopened, the roads are in great condition, the beautiful beaches are waiting and the amazing restaurants, hotels and activities are open and ready for business. All that’s missing is you! The economic impact from the loss of tourists was far more damaging to the area than the physical damage from Odile itself. Hotels had to close doors and cancel reservations while they were rebuilding, resort employees were laid off, and many locals still have homes that need repair from storm damages. We encourage you to return to Baja California Sur to help stimulate the economy so that the area can continue to rebuild and rebound. While relief aid from the Mexican government and other organizations was necessary in the immediate aftermath of the storm, what’s needed now is support and business from the people who love Baja and want to help the area return to normal (that’s you!). What better way to support the area than by getting down there to relax at a beautiful hotel, enjoy the gorgeous white-sand beaches, dine at the fabulous restaurants, unwind with a spa day or enjoy a round of golf.
In case you needed some extra encouragement, we’ve partnered with many establishments in Baja Sur to help invite you back to BCS with discounts of up to 40% off at hotels, restaurants, spas and RV parks in Baja. Discounts are valid through the end of February 2015. It’s our way of welcoming you Back to Baja.
All you have to do to take advantage of these special deals is to show your Discover Baja membership card. Not a member of Discover Baja? For just $3.25 a month, you can join to take advantage of these incredible deals as well as premium Mexican auto insurance at discounted prices, prepaid FMM tourist permits, Mexican fishing licenses, our monthly Baja newsletter, discounted Baja maps, books and clothing and more! Join Discover Baja now or learn more.

Meet our Ambassadors:
Mike “The Griz” Ritz
“When you build something for the first time, sometimes there are mistakes. When you rebuild something for the second time, it’s better than ever. We’re waiting for you in Baja Sur!”

Ann Hazard
“While the physical damage caused by Hurricane Odile was massive, most of that has been cleaned up and repaired. Tourism ground to a halt in mid-September and is only beginning to ramp up again two months later. This equates to massive economic losses to resorts, restaurants, stores and support services. Tourism is the engine that drives Baja Sur. Come back to this magical place! You’ll be welcomed like never before, and discover for yourself that Baja is better than ever!”
David Kier
“Go back to where California began, Baja California Sur, a place of beauty and history. The people of Baja California Sur are anxious to see you return. All highways are open and hotels and campgrounds are vacant. See the Old Missions dating back over 300 years that are open to visitors, including Loreto, San Javier, Mulege, Comondu, San Ignacio, Todos Santos and San Luis Gonzaga (near Ciudad Constitucion).”

Graham Mackintosh
“The whales are coming, so are the birds. Winter is settling in up north. With recovery in full swing and all the space and freedom and spectacular Baja scenery on offer… with so many great bargains and incentives, I can’t imagine a better time to discover and re-discover the warmth and hospitality and attractions of Baja Sur than right now.”