COVID and Border Update
With COVID cases growing along the peninsula, many municipalities have reinstated COVID protocol and are requiring masks and limiting capacity. Please be sure to call ahead to make reservations at all businesses and to inquire about current restrictions.
Non U.S. citizens who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and have appropriate documentation are permitted to enter the United States via land ports of entry. Non-essential travelers who are not U.S. citizens are required to (1) provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination, as outlined on the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website; and (2) verbally attest to their reason for travel and COVID-19 vaccination status during a border inspection. More information can be found on the Department of Homeland Security website. US citizens driving across the border or crossing through CBX are allowed back into the US without proof of COVID vaccinations with no COVID test required.
As of June 13, 2022, the U.S. no longer requires proof of a negative COVID test for air travelers entering the country.
Insuring High-Value Vehicles
If a vehicle is registered as a motorhome MH, we can insure the vehicle for up to $300,000. For a van or regular vehicle, we can insure the vehicle up to $75,000.
Towing Vehicles
As a reminder, a car is not allowed to tow another car into México. Below are some examples of common configurations and what is or isn’t allowed:
Motorhome + car = yes
Car + trailer with motorcycle = yes
Truck + trailer with Dune Buggy = yes (because the dune buggy is an off-road vehicle)
Truck + car or Car + car = No (this is considered same category)

Special Premiere of Harry Crosby Documentary
The Journeys of Harry Crosby is a one-hour documentary film by award-winning director Isaac Artenstein about renowned Baja California photographer and historian Harry Crosby. The film will premiere at the CECUT in Tijuana on July 20, 2022 and at the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego on July 28, 2022 with the presence of the American and Mexican Consuls as part of the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the US and Mexico. The documentary will air on PBS in the fall.
New and Easier Process for Permanently Importing a Vehicle into Mexico
There is a new decree in place to fast track the process for nationalizing, or permanently importing, a vehicle into Mexico. You can read more details and information on our article here.
Fishing Licenses and Boat TIPs
We’re able to process Mexican fishing licenses quickly and easily if you plan on fishing in Baja. Boat TIPs are currently taking longer than usual to process so please start the process early.

Four More California Condors Released in San Pedro Mártir
Four California Condors who were bred in captivity at the Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City, have been transferred to the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir. The birds are being reintroduced into the wild as a part of the United States-Mexico Binational Program for the Recovery and Conservation of the California condor. The reintroduction process begins with the transfer of the condors to the pre-release aviary in San Pedro Mártir, where they will be with an adult condor who will be the mentor of these four young condors and will teach them to survive in the wild. They are expected to be released into the wild within a few months.

Corazón de Vida’s La Noche Blanca Gala
For those who live in the Orange County area, Corazón de Vida, will be hosting their annual, “La Noche Blanca: Havana Nights,” a Cuban themed gala on Saturday, August 6th. Corazón de Vida is a foundation that supports orphaned and abandoned children in Baja California. Click here for tickets and more information, or to make a donation to the organization.
Another excellent newsletter! Thank you.
I borrowed the Harry Crosby DVD from a friend and have watched it twice. I want my own copy. Any tips on how to purchase it??