By David Kier
To replace the removed Jesuits at their missions in California (Baja California today), sixteen members of the Franciscan Order led by Fr. Junípero Serra came to Loreto and in April, 1768 received their assignments. The Jesuits were operating 14 missions of their 17 at the time of the expulsion, in February, 1768. The mission of San José del Cabo was reduced from a being a mission to a visita of Santiago in 1748. It was returned to full mission status with the arrival of the Franciscans. The Ligüí and Santa Rosa missions were the other two terminated by the Jesuits during their 70 years in California.
April 5, 1768:
Loreto: Junípero Serra and Fernando Parron
San Francisco Javier: Francisco Palóu
Santa Rosalía de Mulegé: Juan Ignacio Gaston
San José de Comondú: Antonio Martínez*
La Purísima Concepción de Cadegomó: Juan Crespi
Nuestra Señora del Pilár (Todos Santos): Juan Ramos de Lora
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Juan Sancho de la Torre
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores (La Pasión): Francisco Gómez
Santiago: José Murguía*
San Ignacio de Kadakaamán: Miguél de la Campa y Cos
San José del Cabo: Juan Moran
San Luis Gonzaga: Andrés Villaumbrales
Santa Gertrudis: Dionisio Basterra
San Francisco de Borja: Francisco de Lasuén*
Santa María de los Angeles: Juan de Medina Beitia
* These three were the only Franciscans who remained at their missions beyond 1768 and only Lasuén remained at his original assignment all 5 years.
In August and September of 1768 the missions of San Luis Gonzaga and Dolores were closed by the Spanish Inspector General José de Gálvez, and their neophyte Indians were transferred to Todos Santos.
In 1769, Junípero Serra began the great land expedition north from Loreto to San Diego. In his diary, he notes the Franciscans who met him along the way to the northernmost mission (Santa María). Francisco Palóu would be administrator in Baja California during Serra’s expedition.
The following list is of the Franciscans at the missions after the initial 1768 assignments. They may have been there other times than the years given. Most were transferred to other missions during their short time in Baja California. Many transferred to Alta California missions when the Dominicans arrived.
Juan Ramos de Lora 1769-1772
José Murguía 1770
Vicente Santa María 1771-1772
Fernando Parron 1772
San Francisco Javier
Fernando Parron 1768
Juan Escudero 1769-1771
Ramon Uson 1771-1772
Vicente Santa María 1772-1773
Santa Rosalía de Mulegé
Francisco Gómez 1768-1769
Benito Sierra 1769- 1773
Pedro Arriguibar 1771
San José de Comondú
Juan Prestamero 1771-1773
Tomás de la Peña 1771-1772
Vicente Imas 1771
La Purísima
Miguél de la Campa y Cos 1768-1769
Juan Ignacio Gaston 1768-1773
Antonio Martínez 1769 (from Comondú)
Francisco Eschasco 1771
Martin Palacios 1771
Todos Santos
José Murguía 1769
Marcelino Senra 1771
Miguel Sánchez 1771-1773
Andrés Villaumbrales 1770
Manuel Lago 1771-1772
Juan Antonio Garcia Riobó 1770-1771
Francisco Villuendas 1771
San Ignacio
Juan de Medina Beitia 1769-1771
José Legomera 1771
San José del Cabo
Juan Antonio Garcia Riobó 1770-1773
Francisco Villuendas 1771
Santa Gertrudis
Juan Sancho de la Torre 1770
Gregorio Amurrio 1771-1773
San Borja
Andrés Villaumbrales 1769
Juan Figuer 1771
Santa María
Francisco de Lasuén 1769 (from San Borja)
Miguél de la Campa y Cos 1769-1773 (from San Fernando)
Vicente Fuster 1771-1773 (from San Fernando)
Antonio Linares 1771 (from San Fernando)
San Fernando de Velicatá (founded May 14, 1769)
Junípero Serra 1769
Miguél de la Campa y Cos 1769-1773
Vicente Fuster 1771-1773
Antonio Linares 1771
During the five years in Baja California, much was found in need of repair and construction. What the Franciscans are credited with building include the adobe church and rooms at Santa María, a larger adobe church at San Borja, and the stone visita chapel at La Presentación.
The Baja California missions were all transferred from the Franciscans to the Dominican Order in May, 1773.
‘The Missions and Missionaries of California’ (Vol. 1, Lower California) by Zephyrin Engelhardt, 1929
‘The Call to California’ by Richard Pourade, 1968
‘The Old Missions of Baja & Alta California, 1697-1834’ by Max Kurillo and David Kier, 2012
David Kier is co-author of ‘The Old Missions of Baja & Alta California, 1697-1834’. The book is available for purchase HERE or at the DBTC offices (call 800-727-2252). You can also read about the history of all of the Missions of Baja California.